
Rosanna Ma & Ben Leung

Zeta store owners

Rosanna: “We opened our shop first on Lan Fong Road in 1986, and then we moved to Lee Garden One in 2005, so we’ve had this shop for 32 years. We have seen Causeway Bay change over these years, and we have built up so many memories here. We were asked to open a shop in Central but the area is too commercial for us, and the vibe is different. Our customers are also used to us being here, so we’ve never left. We designed the shop ourselves, and we’ve kept it simple and minimalistic instead of following trends – we’re quite insistent on what we want. It wasn’t deliberate, but we fell in love with the art, culture and style in Japan. We do everything from our heart, whether it’s to do with our company, our products or our customers.”

Ben: “We were already married when we opened our first shop together, but this shop is really Rosanna’s passion. She’s garnered a lot of fans – they even call her “Ms Black” because of how she usually dresses. For our clients, Rosanna is like a fashion consultant. She’s a natural at helping people style their outfits – it’s important to us that when our customers wear our clothes, they feel happy. For instance, a lot of European brands have approached us over the years, but we insist that our products be designed and manufactured in Japan because we like their attention to detail. It’s not about making money but about doing it from the heart.”

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