
“Sometimes kids who are frightened get mysterious fevers so can’t eat or sleep, they’ll keep crying and generally don’t look good. We will help them get rid of that and we only need the name of the child. ”

Auntie Chiu

Villain hitter


I’m from Dongguan and my family, we had a lot of farms there. I was really busy planting mandarins, we had pigs, cows and chickens. I didn’t know how to help people worship gods, I only knew how to workshop at home. I was told that if I didn’t know how, the ancestors could teach me so long as I was willing to learn. My children were very young at the time and I didn’t want to scare them but my 7th sister told me not to worry. Farming societies in Guangdong have a lot of ancient customs and rituals. I was told it would come naturally and Buddha would help me plan.

I’ve been here since 2003 and when were first got here, it was always bustling. There was a garden, about ten stalls and always the smell of burning incense. Now there are only half a dozen or so because some were told to leave and others returned home. I heard there used to be a river here but this location has been famous for da siu yan (hitting petty people) for 100-200 years.

A woman’s shoe is lighter, so easier and more comfortable to hit with. I found a shoe that used to be a high heel but then the heel came off so now I just use the flat part. I’ve been using this shoe since last year and I’ll use it until it’s all worn out and broken. Everyone uses shoes.

You can choose who you want to help you with hitting the petty people. You can choose from Guanyin 觀音, Guan Yu 關羽, Lo Fut Feh 老彿爺, Wong Tai Sin 黃大仙, Qitian Dasheng 齊天大聖.

I offer services beyond da siu yan such as sending illness away when people are feeling unwell, even if they’ve seen doctors. Or, helping to start relationships if previous ones are bad. We remove the bad cherry blossoms and plant news ones for them to start over. Sometimes kids who are frightened get mysterious fevers so can’t eat or sleep, they’ll keep crying and generally don’t look good. We will help them get rid of that and we only need the name of the child.

Our busiest time of year is Chinese New Year. A lot of people come in for good luck or change of luck, good health, relationships, safety, to get rid of mice and snakes, for better jobs – anything really.